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Aayushi Kapoor

Food Technologist, Content Creator, Social Worker

Clinical Nutrition, mental health, Positive Psychology, Lifestyle Interventions, Behavioral Interventions, Spiritual Well-being, Wellness Techniques
Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition
More Than 4 Years of Experience in Clinical Nutrition and Mental health


Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

he link between happiness and health

Learn The Connection Between Happiness and Health

We have always heard of the phrase “laughter brings joy and health.” Personally speaking, a…

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How ADHD Affects Relationship

How ADHD Affects Relationship and How to make it work

We cannot deny the fact that symptoms of ADHD can have a major impact on…

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Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

7 Effective Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism can be your biggest enemy… not only professionally but personally also. Overcoming from perfectionism…

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inner happiness within yourself

How To Release The Inner Happiness Trapped Within You

Finding inner peace and happiness is like finding God in material world. Because, I strongly…

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The Habit Loop: Building Positive Habits

From the beginning of 2020, I am trying to avoid junk food and start exercising…

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25 Ways to be Kind and Happier

Every time when you help someone or support someone during their tough time, you do…

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emotinal freedom

What is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

If you want to treat emotional distress and physical pain with an alternative treatment plan,…

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How To Turn a Bad Day Into a Good Day

Maya Angelou rightly quoted “You may not control all the events that happen to you,…

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The Ultimate Brightside to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus! Coronavirus! Coronavirus! I know you are getting familiar with this term. And you have…

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