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Aayushi Kapoor

Food Technologist, Content Creator, Social Worker

Clinical Nutrition, mental health, Positive Psychology, Lifestyle Interventions, Behavioral Interventions, Spiritual Well-being, Wellness Techniques
Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition
More Than 4 Years of Experience in Clinical Nutrition and Mental health


Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".


Personal Development Goals to Achieve Desired Objectives

You know “‘it’s never too late” to change your innovation habits. Sounds familiar? Of course!…

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How to Build Self Confidence by Identifying These Strengths?

Self confidence or self esteem is built with time and growth. We see, meet and…

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Ways to find peace amidst the chaos

How To Find Peace Amidst The Chaos

Finding peace in chaos is an art which I think is the need of an…

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Complete-Guide-to-obsessive-compulsive-personality-disorder (1)

Complete Guide to Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

Are you also one of those perfectionists who like everything to be in order? Do…

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reasons why hope is important

11 Reasons why Hope is Beneficial and Important for us

Whenever we talk about optimism, pessimism, and realism… hope is always related to these words.…

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Handy Mantras for Peace and Comfort

5 Handy Mantras for Peace and Comfort

A simple mantra or a phrase can really improve our mental wellbeing. Mantras are only…

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Seek Support before It’s Too Late

Seek Support before It’s Too Late!

We have been mentioning in most of our blogs, stories, and webinars that “It’s okay…

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Unlearn to Suppress your emotions It's okay to not be okay

Unlearn to Suppress Your Emotions: It’s okay to not be okay

Let’s be honest and answer ourselves how many times in a day we think negatively.…

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how to be friends with your inner critic

How to Be Friends With Your Inner Critic

Let’s be honest and answer how many of us are into negative and positive self-talk.…

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