3-Month Dating Rule for Building A Successful Relationship

Last Update on July 11, 2024 : Published on July 13, 2024

Every day a new relationship-focused reel or video goes viral on social media. Trends change quickly these days! But there’s one rule of dating accepted by all of us and it is going viral on social media for true reasons! I am talking about the 3-month dating rule. This relationship rule is totally developed for Gen-Z or millennials still looking for love!

Basically, suppose you have started dating someone recently and now you’re wondering if you want to take the relationship to the next step or not or how to conclude if you both are ready to take the next step, this rule can be helpful for you. These questions are not new, yet we are unable to find the answers because no one ever decoded how it feels to have a perfect relationship with someone you only known for weeks or months. 

Three-month dating rule is a relationship rule introduced by someone on social media. The “3-Month Relationship Rule” states that new couples should take the first three months as a trial period without making big commitments.

Well, relationship patterns are different for everyone, how do we know if this rule is based on actual logic or not? Let me decode this rule for you! In this blog, we will be taking a deep look at what the 3-month relationship rule is, the psychology behind it, and how to make the best use of it. So, let’s get started! 

What is the Three-Month Dating Rule?

The three-month dating rule is based on the idea that a couple must take 3 months to get a whole picture or genuine idea about their partner. This rule helps you distinguish between the goals you and your partner aim for. Additionally, the best part about this rule is that you get to know the secrets, toxicity, or other sides of your partner without making any big commitments.

This rule stops you from making earlier commitments or proposals, this rule basically helps you understand your partner deeply before making things official. Researchers believe that three months or 90 days are enough to know a person deeply. This rule gained a lot of audience on social media because it really helped people understand whether their dating phase was just an infatuation or real.

Moreover, this rule can also be applied to understand the compatibility between you and your partner.  The other side of this rule can lead to monotonous dates without official announcements which can increase the frustration level and chances of being replaced are also high during this phase. Usually, the early phases of dating are intense, spontaneous, and romantic, but at the same time, they can be too short to understand or make judgments.

Basically, the three-month dating rule allows you to understand the real side of your partner, check compatibility, comprehend whether it’s just infatuation or love without making any big commitments, make the relationship official, and avoid getting too attached to your partner. 

In my opinion, this rule is worth trying because it can lead to a successful relationship and it can help people check if the other person really wants to stay or not. This rule went viral on social media however, research says that so many couples therapists talked about it earlier and someone just took their advice and posted it on social media. 

Understanding Both Sides of the 3-Month Dating Rule

In today’s world, it’s quite challenging to find true love; everyone is looking for a causal relationship, and only a few are looking for finding a true, happy, healthy, and successful relationship. There are high chances of being ghosted, love-bombed, and tied up with a toxic partner. Three-month dating rule is here to help our generation find what they are looking for in a partner. In this section, let’s take a deep look at both sides of 3-month dating rule: 

Advantages Disadvantages
Helps understand the potential positives and negatives of a person Slow dating
Helps understand their goals and compatibility in the relationship Dates can look monotonous sometimes
Provides a briefing of the partner without making any big commitments High chance of being replaced
Helps to gain the perspective of a partner without changing your mindset People might have to spend a longer time without any commitment to the relationship
More resistant to certain neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease)

PS: If you’re in the dating phase right now and do not really enjoy your partner’s presence, you can still decide to leave the relationship without waiting for 3 months. 

Is the “3-Month Dating Rule” Effective?

The 3-month dating rule is basically developed by someone on social media. Clearly, it is not an evidence-based rule developed or researched by a psychologist or a therapist. However, some psychologists believe that it can be effective. Before this rule went viral on social media, a lot of couples therapists talked about it prior as well, mostly stating, “One must give three months to know a person deeply and effectively, it helps build a successful and happy relationship.” 

According to couples therapists, people who make bigger announcements or commitments without knowing each other properly end up being separated after years. Only a few of them are lucky enough to reach the healthy stages of the relationship.

This rule is for those people who are striving hard to find true love in this world wherein everyone wants to be in casual relationships. This rule allows you to take steps at a slow pace. Relationships evolve with time and three months might not be enough to know a person deeply however, three months are quite enough to make judgments and comprehend each other’s goals. 

Quick Takeaway: What are the Other Effective Rules of Relationship? 

3-month dating rule is not for everyone; therefore, if you’re looking forward to building a successful relationship with your partner, you can take a look at these relationship rules as well: 

3-6-9 Relationship Rule: This rule is divided into three phases. The first 3 months are termed as the discovery phase wherein both partners get to know each other. The second 3 months are termed the deepening phase wherein the couple starts investing more in the relationship (physically and emotionally). The final 3 months are termed the evaluation phase wherein couples check compatibility and talk about making big commitments. 

2-2-2 Relationship Rule: This rule is specially developed for couples aiming for healthy and successful relationships. This rule states that committed couples must go on a date once every two weeks, spend a weekend away every two months, and take a long vacation every two years. 

I hope this blog helps you understand what a 3-month rule relationship is and the psychology behind it. Comment down and share your views or personal experiences on 3-month dating practices or you can also write to us at Calm Sage. 

For more such content, connect with us through all social media platforms. 

Thanks for reading!

About The Author

Aayushi Kapoor
Aayushi Kapoor

Aayushi is a Content Creator at Calm Sage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Food Technology and a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. Her constant interest in the improvement of mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness embarked upon her career as a “full-time educational writer.” She likes to make an asynchronous connection with her readers. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you".

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