What’s the 3-6-9 Manifestation Method? How to Do It?

For those who are on TikTok 3 6 9 method is not an alien concept. It rose to fame on TikTok itself! Many users claimed that the 3-6-9 manifestation technique helped them manifest quite a few things! I know there are many of you, just like me, who are simply unaware of the concept of the 3 6 9 manifestation method.
Let’s dig into it together……..
To begin with, let’s understand what manifestation is. Manifestation is setting intentions on what you hope to happen in the future and watch it come true. Simply put, if you constantly think about the desired outcome of your intentions/ goals, it is more likely to come true. The 3-6-9 manifestation method is one such example that can help you manifest your desires.
Manifestation basically functions on the law of attraction. Law of attraction states that you attract what you give your attention to. It is based on the belief that your thoughts have the ability to bring positive or negative changes/experiences in your life.
What Is The 3 6 9 Manifestation Method?
It was created by Karin Yee, who was inspired by Nikola Tesla’s and Abraham Hicks’ ideologies. The technique is very simple. All you have to do is first make a list of your intentions, desires, or affirmations. Choose one or more from them. You are supposed to write them down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the noon time, and 9 times at the night.
It was the famous Nikola Tesla who first identified the power of these three numbers. Abraham Hicks believed that 17 seconds of thought has the power to ignite manifestation. Karin combined both so that it could align well with the manifested desires.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” – Nikola Tesla
Putting a consistent focus on your desires will help you magnetize your desires and convert them into actions. By this, the chances of your intentions/affirmation coming true increase.
There are various ways to manifest your desires. The 3 6 9 manifestation method can be considered as one of the fastest manifestation techniques. Are you wondering why only these three numbers were chosen?
Significance of Numbers 3, 6 & 9 And Its Connection With Tesla
Tesla argued that if you are able to identify the meaning and importance of 3, 6 & 9, you’ll be able to unveil the mysterious ways our universe functions. Well, how this is possible is still a mystery because of the lack of empirical studies.
“If you only knew the magnificence of 3,6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe”- Nicole Tesla
Nicole testa was often seen walking for 3 minutes before entering a room. He would also stay in a hotel room with numbers which are divisible by 3. Now what was that obsession? Well, he was the one who spoke about electricity even before it was invented.
A group of scientists and mathematicians pointed out that when you double numbers beginning with 1 (1+1=2) and then 2(2+2=4) followed by 4 (4+4=8) and so on you can see patterns. Oddly, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 do not occur even once.
Did tesla think it to be a flux field, perhaps a direction to another dimension! Tesla would often manifest his desires using these three numbers.
Let’s look at the significance of the numbers according to numerology and the law of attraction:
Number 3: 3 indicates our connection to the universe and how we express ourselves creatively.
Number 6: 6 indicates our inner strength and harmony.
Number 9: 9 indicates our ability to let go of things that do not benefit us and to accept change in order to facilitate growth.
What Is The 17-second Rule?
The 17-second rule was made famous by Abraham Hicks. He believed that 17 seconds of thought has the capability to ignite attraction which is equivalent to vibrations.
Simply put, what he is trying to say is that 17 seconds is the threshold point. As soon we hit the threshold, the attraction created by our thoughts starts to align with similar vibrations.
“Hold your thought for 17 seconds and the law of attraction kicks in. Hold your thought for 68 seconds and things begin to move, manifestation has begun!” – Abraham Hicks
The basic concept here is that till 17 seconds your attractions are not that strong. They begin to gain strength only after you hit the 17-second threshold. The longer you focus on your thoughts, the stronger are going to be your attraction.
Also read: Learn the Art of Chakra Balancing and Embrace Happiness
Steps for 3 6 9 Manifestation Method
It is very simple and involves only 3 steps. But before you begin with the step, make sure that you have a list of goals/desires/affirmations which you wish to manifest. Choose which one you want to focus on right now.
For example, if you wish to manifest growth, your affirmation could be, “I will learn something new every day”
Let’s have a look at the steps:
Step one: Choose your manifestation
Before you begin, keep a pen and a journal with you. They are going to be a constant for some time now. Now, the first step is to decide what you want to manifest. There are so many things in the world that you’d wish to have.
For the 3-6-9 manifestation technique you need to begin with focusing on your manifestation for 17 seconds. Remember the 17 second rule? That comes into play here.
Let’s say you want to manifest happiness via the 3-6-9 method. Think about it for more than 17 seconds so that your brain can start investing in this energy.
The manifestation should not be longer than two sentences. An example of 3-6-9 manifestation can be, “ I am ready to welcome happiness into my life, I thank the universe for making my desire come true”
Always manifest with gratitude!
Step two: Write it down 3 times in the morning
Focus on your thoughts for at least 17 seconds. Then write your manifestation 3 times in the morning. Make sure you follow the 17 section rule while journaling your affirmation. Take at least 17 seconds to write it down.
The success of the 3-6-9 manifestation method completely depends on your focus. So focus on your feelings and thoughts. Think about how your life is going to be after you’ve achieved the desired outcome.
Wake up in the morning, freshen up and start your day with a 3-6-9 manifestation technique. Calm yourself down, focus on your desire and then write it down three times. Don’t let your mind wonder, think only about what you want to manifest.
Step three: Write it down 6 times at midday!
Write down your manifestations 6 times in the noon time after you’ve focused on your thoughts. Don’t forget to apply the 17 seconds rule. Again, visualize your success and feel the energy and keep building on your thoughts.
Try and feel the emotion. Keep a smile on your face and trust the process. The 3-6-9 manifestation technique requires you to not let your focus drift away from your affirmations. After you’ve done that, continue with your day.
Step four: Write it down 9 more times in the night!
In the night, right before you go to bed, write them down 9 more times. The process remains the same. Right before you are going to doze off, pick your journal up and begin writing your affirmations with a calm mind.
Focus on your manifestation again applying the 17 second rule. The 3-6-9 manifestation method is by far the fastest manifestation technique.
If we go by Tesla’s belief, the initial stage (i.e. writing it 3 times) helps in setting the intention. The mid stage (i.e. writing it 6 times) helps in amplifying the thoughts and finally the last 9 sets the manifestation.
Are the steps of the 3-6-9 manifestation technique very simple to follow?
Also Read: What Is Focused Meditation: Its Benefits & How To Practice It
Examples of 369 Manifestation Technique
Many struggles with forming 369 Manifestation affirmations. Here are some examples of 369 manifestation methods. You can use 369 manifestation technique to manifest happiness using these affirmations:
- I create the life I desire with my good feelings
- I am willing to be happy now
- I am worthy of feeling happy
- I create happiness by accepting every part of my life
- I am seeing so many positive things in my life
- Everything is falling in place now
- I allow myself to enjoy my life
Tips for 3 6 9 Manifestation
- Use present tense for your affirmations. Like: I will, I want, I can, I am, etc.
- Forget about the ‘how’ and ‘when’, put trust in your energy
- Be consistent
- No room for negativity & self-doubt
- Do not give up
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long does it take for the 3 6 9 rule to work?
It is observed that you begin to see results in the first 33 – 45 days. In some cases it might take longer depending on your desire. All you have to do is be consistent and don’t give up.
2. How many times can you do the 3 6 9 manifestations?
You can do it as many times as you wish. You can also manifest more than one intention (4 at max) at a time
3. Can you practice the 3 6 9 technique on the phone?
Yes, of course. But it is not the ideal way of doing it. If you want a greater chance of success you can avoid doing it on a phone
Bottom Line:
I hope this article helped you understand the concept of the 3 6 9 manifestation method. I am planning to give it a try, will you do it too? Try using the examples of 369 manifestation examples for a quick start!
Do let me know in the comment section below if you’ve already used this method and if not are you going to try it!
Thanks for reading.
Take care! Stay safe!
I make sure that my manifestations are specific and precise because I feel uneasy that there would be loopholes in my manifestations. That is why I make it meticulously long. If my manifestation is longer than two sentences, will it never work?
Hi there, thank you for showing interest in the article. if you manifest something with all your heart, it will come you you. the reason for framing your manifestation in short sentence is to make the process easier and faster. If you can sum your manifestations in 1 or 2 lines, that's be great. If not, there is nothing wrong in having a longer manifestation. If you are comfortable with spending more time manifesting your desire, it's completely your call. If you are constantly putting something out in the universe it's sure to come back to you no matter how long or short your manifestation is.
images is 60 trillion faster that words when it comes to manifesting. and during visualization there is no need to worry abut the 17 second rule.
I'm going to try it and see if it will work or not.. I'm looking forward to the outcome
Hey Alicia, Calmsage Team Hope this method will make positive impact on you.
I will do the 369 manifestation. This will be my every day planned. Three times a day.
Thanks Samuel for Trusting us. We feel grateful to help you. We would love to hear your experience of 369 manifestation. Keep Sharing Love!
I really want to try this method! I was curious to know if you can manifest more than one thing and you answered it. I don’t have four but two things I really desire for my life! Thank you!
Hey Latonya, Thank you for your kind words! We hope that you'll be able to manifest all you desire from this technique.
I tried this a different way. But I will try this, this way. The other way, is 3 affirmations, 6 times a day, for 9 days.
Hello Nikki, Thank you for your feedback. Yes You manifest this way also. Keep Supporting us. Thanks Team Calmsage